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Safe home from roof leaks Comfortable in Rainy

leak roofHow do we can do so safely and comfortably house from a leaking roof in the rainy season, from seepage of rain water on the roof to other areas in the house?
Preparing a home safe, convenient from a leaky roof in the rainy season is already planning should be considered since the establishment of the home or when remodeling the home, the following tips around the house that can be applied to face the rainy season in your home.

1 As good occupant, should pay attention and check into the roof of the house to see if the tile and the roof needs repair and maintenance or not. This examination should be performed at least 2-3 months because when the hair cracks in the roof, although not directly cause leaks but kebecoran expected to occur after 3-4 times the big rain after hairline cracks.

    To cope with leaks in the roof due to hairline cracks can be done with the wire gauze and waterproof, but for the greater part of the crack to be hollowed out and then re-plastered. The easiest solution to avoid hairline cracks can replace a roof by using a metal roof.

2 In addition to the inspection of the roof area, the ceiling in the home also need attention because cement plaster on the ceiling is very vulnerable to leaking, recommend that if there is damage to the ceiling should be fixed immediately because if the ceiling is left moist and occurs continuously, when the rainy season there will be more fatal damage on the ceiling collapsed like this, and if the case collapses require extra repairs to cost more.

3 To reduce heat absorption, and reduce damage due to rain water, aluminum foil with a size of 1-2 mm can be used as an alternative as a means of coating between the ceiling and roof tiles.

4 Note also the angle of roof tile's ability to keep the rain water block. If this is not observed with either rain accompanied by wind could have gone through the crack tile.

5. To protect the roof terrace of the tongue can be added with a size of 1.2 meters or more, in addition to avoiding the rain coming in through the terrace floor tiles and also protects the paint from the walls of the house tampias rain and wind.

6 Installation of a nail or screw on the metal tile roof and also be aware of the direction of the nail or screw that is used must be parallel to the direction of slope of the roof.

To be home safe, convenient from a leaky roof in the rainy season, you can adjust the tips above to the real conditions in your location to get more efficient results with funds that could be on tap.


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