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Roof Building, Part Suffering Most

Are you ready for the roof of your house to survive the rainfall? Or maybe the roof of your house including the disease 'leak' during the rainy season? If yes then inevitably, you have to spend time, energy and material to overcome this problem than the comfort of residents are always disturbed when it rains. Consider some tips from this paper.
The step you should do is to detect the cause as soon as possible. Like a sick person, then it must be diagnosed properly to be selected how treatment therapy. There are several reasons why the roof of the house to leak:
1. Construction Error
Generally it is affected by the slope of the roof that is less precise. In the type of roof tile roof that is commonly used by the community, it should have a slope between 30-40 degrees. Less than that it is guaranteed prone to leak due to pumice from rainfall and more than that the position of the tile is prone to sag which also resulted in the roof to leak. The solution of this problem is to rearrange the slope of the roof (aka unloading total) or cheaper by giving a leak-proof sheet either from plastic or something on the bottom of the tile. So even though the water entering through the gap between the tile will still be retained by the plastic layer and then flowed down to the lisplank / gutters. If the architectural design of the house requires that the slope of the roof is made more than 40 degrees, choose a tile that has a nail hole to lock the roof tile so as not to sag. Many famous tile brands in building stores that have been equipped with nail holes.
2. Error Installation
Generally occurs because the carpenter is less careful when spelled the location of the roof that 'prone' attacked by rain water. For example on the location of the ridge / nok, edge / fuss, lisplank and gutters. For example on the ridge / nok, which if made too high it will be prone to cracks resulting in leaking when exposed to rain water. The solution is to provide a waterproof layer like aquaproof or rubber gutter on the leaking part. When your home is built, select an expert craftsman and ask them to be careful when working on those parts.
3. Quality Selection of Material of Origin
Each roof cover material has its own character. Roof tiles for example, between the clay tile with ceramic tile is definitely better ceramic tile to hold rain water because of its waterproof nature and interlocking design. This obviously affects the slope tolerance that can be applied to your home. Similarly with other materials such as galvanized sheet and asbestos. Asbestos may be much cheaper but the weather resistance is definitely stronger galvanized sheets. Selection of material quality carelessly obvious impact on resistance to rain water attacks.
4. Weather Damage
The roof is part of the structure of the house that suffered most from the weather, due to exposure to the hot sun during the dry season and exposed to water during the rainy season. No matter how strong the roof of your house, over time will be degraded due to weather. The resulting consequences of this damage are usually cracked at the edge / fitting joints, hair cracks in clay tile, rusty / rusted zinc or faded paint coating on concrete roof tiles. The solution to this is to perform periodic maintenance every year to extend the life time / life time of roofing materials. For example, paint a concrete roof tile paint, add a layer of waterproofing on concrete, and so forth.