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Differences Mediterranean, Tropical & Minimalist R
desain atapMediterranean, tropical and minimalist architecture is a building that each has a different design concept. This difference lies in the shape of the building, the use of colors and the appearance of other elements. Similarly, the materials used are sometimes not the same. One example is the roof.
There are several differences of Mediterranean, tropical and minimalist style roof design. The roof of a house that uses the Mediterranean style, usually mimics the style of buildings located in Spain. Because this model memamng origin of the country the matador. The most commonly applied forms and designs are sloping, the saddle of horses or the wooden horses and the limasan consisting of four sides.
While the material commonly used is burned clay. Clay roof has a larger size, fat and thick. If using colors always avoid colors that are flashy or too bright and more suitable to wear colors that tend to be natural and cool, aligned with wall paint.
In one building, sometimes this roof consists of several parts and each has a different design concept with the form as described above. Then for the bottom, given a complementary element of a place to drain rain water. So the water does not fall directly down, but it flows through the pipe that is placed in the corner. There are also times when the wall is used as a place to install the roof is made with a smaller size than the existing wall underneath. Especially in buildings that have a higher size. So the position of the wall is slightly indented into.
Houses that use tropical style, have a roof design concept is not much different from the house that uses the Mediterranean style. But the material that is often used is the roof of grass or straw grass and the roof of the wood is often called the shingle roof. If using materials from clay, this roof has a smaller size, thinner and not so thick as a Mediterranean house.
The use of colors was never done. So the roof is left to appear naturally. At the bottom, this roof is not equipped with a drain. In the event of rain, the flowing water will fall directly to the ground. In addition, the size of this roof is also made longer, with the aim that rain water can not get into the room despite a considerable wind gusts. Between the walls of buildings and walls to install the roof is always made together, do not use different sizes even though the building has a high size
Roof houses that use a minimalist style often use a flat shape and or tilt and consists of only one part. The field can be tilted back or sideways. If using a triangle or pyramid shape, usually the same is not divided into several elements. The most commonly used material is not roof-shaped, but from the concrete cast that attaches directly to the wall. If using a tidal roof, often use materials from mild steel or factory-made roofs made with modern systems.
The use of color that is often applied is the same as the wall color. So between the roof and the wall can be a unified whole. Although sometimes have a larger size of the building walls, but the roof is also not equipped with channels for drainage. So like a tropical house, rain water flows downward. But sometimes the roof is equipped with a pipe that is placed on the inside.


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