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Good Home Criteria
houseHome is not just a place to stay that we have, but a place of meaningful and profound experience that will not be forgotten. Research proves that the things experienced in the house make the residents feel happier than just owning the house. Home (home not just a house) is a container so that residents in it can experience memorable events that are not forgotten. That is the meaning of "home sweet home". So, how to make a home into a "home sweet home"?
1. A house that tells the past
A good house must have its history. Walt Whitman in his Crossing Brooklyn Ferry writes that the experience of the dynamic past will connect us with the past and the future. The house should save the life history of its inhabitants in the course of his life towards the future.
2. Houses that have a good environment
A good home should have a good environment and environment, not a stand-alone house without harmony with its surroundings. Remember, man can not live alone. Humans are social beings who need others in their lives. Likewise with home. The house must synergize with the surrounding circumstances. Houses should be neighbors and communicate with other homes.
3. The house must blend with nature
When searching for a home location, you've actually become an "architect" looking for locations and natural circumstances to match your expectations. Surely when determining that location, you've envisioned the design for your home by exploiting the natural state around it. The house is part of nature. Embrace with nature to make home a home sweet home and the existence of your home makes the environment better.
4. The house should open up to the sky
A good home should be expansive. Living in a house should allow its inhabitants to have unlimited experiences by walls and roofs. A house that lets its inhabitants see the beauty of the heavens, can be the foundation of the inhabitants' way of thinking about their existence in nature and with their creators.
5. A true and real home
A good home should be authentic. The experience of home should not be "fake" and artificial or difficult and expensive in its care. Fixing home continuously is not fun. A good home should be made of a balanced material between cost, maintenance, and long-term resistance, at least within 10 years.
6. A house that welcomes young and old
A good home should be good for all residents. Ranging from newborns to grandparents, from guests to children roaming around. Houses should be able to accommodate all the needs of its inhabitants. Elements in the home ranging from sharp edges to shelves, height and shape of the closet for children and parents, even to the floor texture is not slippery should be considered from the time of design. A good home is not just the look of the exterior and the interior is visible only. Remember, little things are very important details.
7. A house that marks the time
A good home should show a change of time. Its occupants do not need to look at the clock or calendar to know the current time or season. The inhabitants should be able to feel the warmth of morning sunlight entering the house or the beauty of the sky at dusk.
8. Houses are big enough
A good house, the size should fit, not too big or too small. All the space in the house should be used according to its function. No space is wasted. This means that the living habits of the inhabitants must be well accommodated by all the space available.
9. Textured house
A good home should be rich in textures. The best way to gain experience at home is through its materials and textures, ranging from stainless steel to glowing to the warmth of wood that gives a distinct impression upon seeing and touching it. All elements and materials on floors, walls, ceilings, and furniture create an unforgettable dynamic experience for the inhabitants.
Close your eyes for a moment. Imagine a dream home for you and your family. Imagine how each space in it blends and flows, synergizes with the surrounding environment, ranging from neighboring environment even to the universe. Voilà .... that's home sweet home


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