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Some Light Steel Roof Functions
baja ringanThe roof of the house is like a hood that protects humans from the sun and the rain. With a strong hood and resistance to all weather, will be able to protect humans optimally. So, the roof of the house with the criteria so it is actually needed every building.
However, in addition to acting as a protector, the roof of the house also serves as a beautifying view of the house from the top. Thus, arguably the roof is the identity of the house itself. Therefore, the reader should carefully choose roofing material that is good quality and when installed will make the house look more magnificent. Roof truss materials that are widely available in the market are wood, PVC, polycarbonate, mild steel and so on. However, our discussion this time is a lightweight steel roof function.
Light Steel Roof Construction
Owners will easily maintain a house or building with good roof construction. Rigid frame design, the ability of the frame to stand upright and not easily collapsed in the wind, rain or storm and reduce the risk due to earthquake shocks is a good roof construction criteria. And that's all readers can find in the function of lightweight steel roof.
Lightweight steel roof truss system has been tested and processed with the help of structural analysis software installed and installed by applicators (not to be a regular builder). So the strength of the chassis will be seen, especially in materials that do not fall out due to termite attack and do not experience shrinkage due to temperature change.
Light Steel Roof Function
Rarely does a good quality wood make its function replaced by some building materials such as PVC, aluminum, conventional steel and light steel. PVC and aluminum are used to make home sills, while conventional steel and light steel are used as roof frames.
Currently mild steel is increasingly popular as a building material. Not only used as a roof frame only, it turns lightweight steel roof function can also be used as a wall partition. Here's the review:
1. As a lightweight steel roof truss. Its use as a roof of the building has been found. In fact, almost all residential real estate utilizes the functionality of lightweight steel roofs for the built house hood framework. Usually the mild steel used is galvalum / zinc-alum or galvanized. Why do they choose mild steel as a building material? Because the quality is very good, durable and of course speed up the development process.
2. As a roof frame pergola. Using lightweight steel roofs for pergolas, maintenance (especially painting) is reduced. Because as the reader knows, mild steel is not easy to rust and does not need to be repainted. Thus, the reader can save maintenance costs, deh.
3. To partition wall framework. Unlike the old days, people were familiar with wooden frames or hollo frames for partitioning walls. Now, most of them choose mild steel, because it can melibas weakness of the two previous materials, which is easily eaten termites and rusty.
4. As a wall structure. Not only as a roof truss, lightweight steel has now been utilized as a building structure, both permanent structures for single-storey or two-story buildings. In Aceh, mild steel was used to assist the construction of houses affected by the tsunami. The construction was done on a large scale with the consideration of a quick finish to be immediately occupied by the victims.
The many functions of lightweight steel roofs make people consider it as a wood substitute. Later, if all homes use mild steel as a roof frame, there may be rarely illegal logging. That way, the plan to reforest the barren forest is increasingly realized. How, do readers want to help conserve the environment by using lightweight steel building alternatives?


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