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Reduce the risk of earthquake hazards in buildings

An earthquake occurrence is the result of movement of the earth's plate resulting in vibrations that occur on the surface of the earth. As a result of an earthquake it can cause avalanches, flooding and damage to houses, and the greatest impact is the tsunami. Sometimes we are often worried about staying at our house when that happens, where there is no 100% guarantee that the building design is safe from earthquake risk, we need to anticipate and maintain to get the smallest risk that will happen to us. If you are currently planning or building a house, it is necessary to consider your home design technically to safeguard and anticipate damage when an earthquake occurs. If you do not understand the technicalities of the building, ask a professional engineer to design the best building for you.
Below are some things that may be considered and need to be done, this advice is based on a professional article writing where in the preparation of this article they arrange it based on the subject matter, scientific review, examination of field conditions (incidents that exist) as well as things and effort to get more reliable information:
1. Consider for the use of materials made of wood. Based on the research, the damage of buildings whose structural materials use wood is smaller than the houses with other structures of the same type. From research, wood and plywood panels are usually connected with nails to make the construction more flexible. More flexible wood construction is recommended for use in the field for wide and curved plane structures. For room space that is often used by family members such as living room and sleeping rung is recommended the use of wooden walls and ceilings.
2. Plan buildings with lower altitudes. Based on the results of research conducted, that homes that have a lower structure less risk of damage obtained compared with higher-order houses. This is based on the nature of the higher the shock then the greater the shock. From the research also indicated that the design is safe against the earthquake is a house building with a fat structure and meeting structure. The use of columns with reinforced concrete structural material is recommended not to be too lean and recommended in a cross section that is proportional to the height of the column.
3. Use of lighter material material in the roof structure. Buildings that have a heavy roof structure more likely to quickly collapse in case of shocks. The use of lightweight steel roof structures and the use of aluminum tile is a better option for getting a lighter roof load.
4. The use of reinforced concrete for the foundation, where the structure will be more flexible and not too quickly collapsed under the building.
5. Avoid the use of a house structure with cantilever form in the middle room of the building. If you want to make a balcony on the 2nd floor is recommended to make the floor supported by the pole because it would be safer to avoid collapse.
6. Make your home design more open and have more access to and out. In case of an earthquake it will be easier to exit. If your home form home level try not only focus on using 1 stair access only. It is safer if you provide emergency stairs in some places.
For your home that has been built, you can also do some things that can reduce the risk of accidents that appear in your home. You may need to do some reinforcement in the structure of your home eg in foundation, floor, wall and roof structures with various safety materials necessary for your home. You can increase the strength / durability of the building structure both to withstand lateral shear forces and vertical support forces. Here's what you might do. And if necessary you can ask for propesial or more experienced personnel to get maximum results.
Environmental conditions:
- If there is an old tree or a near-death tree near your house, it should be cut immediately to avoid falling into the house building.
- If there is a power cord across your house, immediately report it to make a move or repair.
Basic Soil Factor:
The basic soil conditions where your house builds strongly affect the damage of buildings by the vibration of the earthquake. It is recommended that you check the soil type at your home location. You can ask the engineering team to check the type of good foundation for building your house. If it is necessary to do reinforcement you must immediately implement it. The type of muddy soil, the type of sandy soil, the type of fine and soft grained soil is a less good type of soil where it is easier to shift and decrease.
Examination / Repair part house:
- If the foundation of your house is still using brick foundation, do the reinforcement by replacing it into a reinforced concrete foundation.
- Make sure the wall of your house is seated on top of a reinforced concrete slab and covered by a beam / ring beam. Intended to compensate for horizontal movement.
- Check every wall of your house, if there is a crack make sure the crack is still safe. If not immediately do the replacement of the new wall pairs.
- If your house is made of brick walls, make sure the walls are tied by columns. Recommended column spacing of 3-4 m.
- Make sure your house has a strong column structure to hold the roof load. If not yet make a strong column hold the roof load.
- If your house uses concrete roof tiles, make sure the roof / horse truss is still in good condition, make sure every part of the wood is free from termites ruskan. If the wood is termites terminated immediately do the turn.
- Check each roof truss connections are still in strong condition. If a poor connection condition is found, add a metal plate to strengthen the connection. Do not add to the connections that cause the framework to get heavier.
May be useful!