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Good Wood Types for Building
woodWood is one of the old construction materials used in buildings. Good for simple house building up to luxury level building. There are various advantages of wood materials for building materials, wood can be used as sills, window rods, glass buffer, and so forth. For minimalist home design you can also use wood materials. Indonesia has a good variety of wood and the ideal quality is used for building materials. Here are some wood options that you can use for your building.
1. Jati Wood
Teak is very famous for its beauty, strength, and stability. This wood became the main choice as building material. Teak wood is also resistant to mold, termites, and other insects. So teak is highly sought after and is expensive. Teak wood should be finishing with materials that highlight the advantages of wood so that the fiber and wood texture clearly visible beauty.
2. Merbau Wood
Merbau wood thrives in Indonesia and is now one of the most popular wood for use in buildings. Wood texture is hard enough and stable used as an alternative to teak wood. This wood is suitable as a buffer and roof poles of the house. Wood is also quite expensive because it barely has weaknesses. Merbau wood is usually finishing with melamine dark color.
3. Kamper wood
This wood has a distinctive aroma so named camphor wood. The excess is strong against insects and lighter than teak. The price is also relatively more affordable with fine wood fibers and beautiful. Usually camphor wood used as materials to make doors and windows in standard size. Can not be used in a size that is too high or wide because it can expand when used in the long term
4. Bangkirai Wood
Included in the wood group is quite strong and durable. This wood is often used as a heavy construction material such as wooden roof. Bangkirai wood is also resistant to weather so it is suitable for use on exterior areas.
5. Kelapa Wood
Coconut is very easy to find in Indonesia and used as a source of new alternative wood. Coconut wood that can be used is already aged 60 years and above, which is no longer produce so it must be felled and replaced with new tree. Coconut wood is easy to make beam so it is suitable for use as a roof buffer pole. The most famous are coconut trees from Sulawesi are dark brown.
6. Red Meranti Wood
Divided into meranti wood red and pink, both are equally good serve as building materials. The wood is quite sensitive so it is not recommended for exterior or outdoor use.


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