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Adaptation of Custom House Roof
atap tradisionalAmidst the diverse designs and forms of homes that are becoming a trend in Indonesia, most of the residents of the region remain faithful to their traditional home-style models. Even so, there are also homeowners in big cities who are so in love with the land of birth, building his house as he has in his hometown. They sometimes do not imitate the whole house, but sometimes only from the exterior like the shape of the roof. The following forms of traditional traditional house roof of Indonesia that is often applied to houses in urban areas.
1. Rumah Joglo, East Java
Roof House Joglo typical of East Java is definitely often you found. House, spa house, to the inn enough to apply the roof of this typical house. Joglo own shaped house that has a high roof made of clay and teak wood. Mentioned, in the past the higher roof Joglo house, means the higher also the social status of homeowners.
2. Rumah Gadang, West Sumatra
Minangkabau Minangkabau House, West Sumatera is also often found in many places one of them is a typical restaurant Padang. This saddle-shaped roof that each end has a tapered design like a horn. Yes, this pointed part indeed symbolizes buffalo horns.
3. Tongkonan, South Sulawesi
Tongkonan is a traditional house typical Toraja community, South Sulawesi. The roof is curved like a boat, made up of ancient bamboo structures. But now, most homes with tongkonan roofs in urban zinc roofs are so even precarious to be stronger and longer lasting.
4. Rumah Kebaya, Jakarta
Rumah Kebaya is a traditional house of the Betawi tribe, Jakarta. Called kebaya house due to the shape of the roof that resembles a folded saddle and when viewed from the side then the folds look like folds kebaya. This house is also still visible in several areas in Jakarta.
5. Bolon House, North Sumatra
Rumah Bolon typical custom Batak tribe, North Sumatra is shaped like a saddle of a horse and curved ends on both sides tapered. This house was formerly inhabited by the kings of North Sumatra, but now owned by many indigenous people. Adaptation of this roof shape of the house can be applied to the residence with a modern twist.
6. Bale Lumbung, West Nusa Tenggara
West Nusa Tenggara has a lot of custom house type, Bale Lumbung house one of them. Bale Lumbung is used by the Sasak tribe who are in the area of ??Lombok. His trademark is a large curved roof. The roof and ridge of Bale Lumbung House is made from straw or reed. Adaptation of roof form Bale Lumbung we can find in some hotels or resorts in Indonesia.
There are many more traditional houses typical of Indonesia unique and suitable if you want to apply at home. Hopefully the brief information above can provide inspiration for your roof design. Let's see our blog for the latest information about roofs and buildings.


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