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Understand the Building Border Line
bangunan rumahWhen building a house, there are several things to consider such as location, related documents, soil conditions and so on including the building demarcation line. The Building Border Line (GSB) was created so that people do not build houses on the spot and so the settlement is present neat, safe, and comfortable.
GSB according to Article 13 of Law Number 28 Year 2002 is a line that limits the minimum clearance from the outer side of a building mass to the boundary of the controlled land. In other words, GSB is a building boundary that is allowed to build a house or building.
The benchmark used to measure GSBs is the midline of roads, shoreline, riverbanks, railroads and high-voltage networks. For example, a house is located on the side of the road, so the GSB is measured from the center line of the road to the outer side of the owner-controlled building.
In addition to highlighting the aesthetics of regular layout of the settlement, GSB is also used for the safety of the residents of the house. For the existing house at the intersection, there are 2 GSB provisions. The provision is GSB from the side of the building and side of the building.
Decree of the Minister of Public Works No. 441/1998 issued regulations on the Technical Requirements of GSB Buildings from the back and side, namely:
- The structure and foundation of the outermost building must be at least 10 cm inward from the outer limit of the controlled area.
- For the renovation or repair of buildings that initially use the dividing wall together with the existing building next to it, must create a new boundary wall just next to the existing wall delimiter.
- The outer wall side (eg fence) is not allowed to cross the boundary of the yard.
- For dwelling building dwellings are tight, there is no distance for side free, but the rear free distance should be at least ½ of the length of GSB advance.
Each rule has sanctions for its offenders. According to Law Number 28 Year 2002 regarding building, administrative sanction will be imposed on the building owner. Sanctions given in the form of warning of restrictions on development activities, written sanctions, suspension of the construction of temporary construction, the revocation of building permits, to the forced demolition of the problematic building. If you build a building by exceeding GSB, it will be subject to sanctions in the form of a maximum fine of 10 percent of the value of the building.


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