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Determinants of Wall Durability and Quality

dinding rumah minimalisMaybe we all have heard or witnessed itself there is a building wall that looks very strong and still new but suddenly fell then collapsed for no apparent reason. It is a wall that looks solid is not a guarantee if the quality is also good and strong. Because the strength of the wall not only can be seen from the side of the outer appearance and the age of the wall only.

There are several determinants of the durability and quality of building walls. The first is the construction. If the process of making is not perfect will certainly cause the effect of wall strength becomes weak. For example, the size of the iron bone is too small, the connection is less tight bracelet or any part released, this can make the quality of the wall is reduced. Similarly, the number of columns and others must all be calculated in accordance with the size of the wall of the size of the building to be made. The second is building materials, especially brick and cement mixture and sand used to make dough grout or paste and plaster layer. The bricks used to make the walls must be good quality.

The water used to make the dough also has a considerable effect on the quality of the walls. Use water according to predefined rules. Another thing that also has a relationship with water is the seepage that enters the wall structure. This water can appear from the channel attached to the wall and leak, the quality of the plaster is not good then make rain water can come in and merembers and so forth.

No less important is the process of making the wall itself should not be done at random. The making of the wall though looks simple but if not done with a little more can reduce the quality of the walls are made. Starting from the size, the process of making the dough, brick installation and so on should be done well and people who have experienced.

In addition, the age of the wall that is too old can also reduce the quality and strength of the wall. But if the wall is well cared for and true age of use can also be longer. If any part of the crack should be repaired and patched so that the crack is not widening everywhere.

Wall quality can also be influenced by other factors that are external. For example there is a large size tree that is not far from the wall of the building. Roots that continue to grow and enlarge can enter into the wall structure and damage it. So consequently the strength of construction and foundation in holding the load can be reduced so that the wall so easily damaged and even collapsed.

Therefore, when planting trees, although the size is still small to be calculated what happens if the tree becomes large. Should choose a shade tree whose roots can grow into the soil, do not spread to the side.

Other external factors are weather and air temperature. If too moist will make the walls of the house attacked by mold and mildew. But if it is too hot, the walls are easily cracked and cracked on the surface. These two events can make the walls less quality. However, if given a layer of anti-fungus and mildew and use the right dough, the effects of these weather changes can be minimized.


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