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Wide Roof on Tropical Buildings
atap tropisWant to know about the wide roof on the tropical building? The roof is a component of building a house that has a function to protect the other parts that are in the lower area of ??the roof itself. The roof is useful to protect the house and its contents from the changing seasons, weather changes and so on. The roof also determines the atmosphere built in the house. Whether it's panoramic or maybe quiet or noisy. Indonesia as one country with a tropical climate follows various forms of building style in the tropics.
Differences in climatic conditions of an area is very influential on various patterns of human life, including one of which is the model and the form of the house used. The roof as part of the house building also follows in the climatic conditions of a place. The trend of the roof model in a tropical area is a roof with a steep or sloping model with a wide teritis shape. The wide roof of a tropical building will of course fit perfectly with the summer and rainy seasons of the tropics. This of course will be different from the shape and model of the roof on the sub-tropical areas that have more seasons change.
Apart from the wide roof shape of the tropical building, there are now many different types and forms of the roof of the house that comes with various interesting and creative designs. Roof can be made with various shapes to suit the taste of the owners. Here are some roof forms that have been developed and suitable for tropical buildings.
1. Flat roof model
The wide roof on the tropical building this time is designed with a flat shape. The roof is like a hat that covers and protects the head. The roof of the house was not necessarily tilted, especially if the building has been realized in a form that has been stratified, it turns out the roof with a sloping position no longer a necessity. To adapt to the tropical climate, the teritis on the flat roof is made to the width of the size as the main needs of the roof in tropical regions.
2. Indonesian traditional roof model
Traditional Indonesian roof model on average shaped taper up. Look at the shape of some roof-building construction in some traditional houses in Indonesia such as Minangkabau and Malay. Construction of the roof with a taper shape upwards combined with a wide teritis shape, as well as some parts of the roof are designed also to facilitate the flow of rain water that pours the roof. This is one of the benefits of a wide roof in a tropical building that is to adjust to the conditions of the season in the tropics itself.
3. The roof model that characterizes a particular area or building
The wide roof of the tropical building is now experiencing many innovations from architects. The main function of a roof as a means of protecting buildings under it has been much modified in accordance with the needs of the character formation of a place or location. Roof shapes like joglo, pyramids, and various unique shapes designed in such a way by the architects sometimes seem quite acrobatic and a bit pushy shape, but that's where an innovation will emerge. That the roof is no longer synonymous with the position and tilt shape, but has been able to be presented in various forms in accordance with places and conditions, such as at an airport that has a special roof model.


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