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Building a Leaky Roof Home
atap bocorThe role of the roof against the building below him and his human is very important in providing protection. While the main function of the roof is to protect buildings from any form of weather changes, ranging from rain, heat, wind, dust, lightning, snow, and so forth. In addition, the roof also serves as a protection against the structure of the building by covering the space under its, the roof also serves to prevent rain water into the building, prevent excessive heat, and also can reduce wind movement. Until now the role of the roof greatly affects the aesthetic value of a building.
Do not let leaky roof problems add to your stress. The solution, build a good roof. Here's the trick.
Note The slope of the roof
The roof slope should not be too sloping, the limit is 25 degrees - 40 degrees. Suitable roof slope will be able to ward off rain water blown by strong winds, thus minimizing leaking and wall seep. The slope of more than 40 degrees potentially makes the precarious degenerate. If the roof design requires steeper than 40 degrees, the tiles must be nailed, or use a type of shingle roof that does not fall easily.
Use Roof Upholstery
Use a plastic roof coating or aluminum foil at the bottom of the tile. This can help the water entering the roof gap to flow toward the gutter. Usually this is done after the crunch is broken.
Check Routine Roof Frame
Make sure the roof truss is in good condition. Perform routine checks on the ceiling. If found wood that has begun to rot should be replaced with new wood.
Decayed wood can cause the tile to fall and leak. Damaged roof trusses also endanger the safety of homeowners, especially if the rain continuously.
Notice the Rooftops
Root ridge should not be made too high because it will be vulnerable to cracks. You should regularly check this part especially during the rainy season.
Small cracks such as 1cm can be a source of roof leaks. If there is a rift immediately fix and patch with mortar mixed with water block. If the crack is large, replace it immediately with a new one.
Rooftop gutters
Select the size and shape of the gutter according to the discharge and the amount of water. Minimize the connection of gutters that can increase the potential for damage and leakage. Use the services of an experienced gutters. Clean the gutters regularly so that no garbage can accumulate that can block the water channel.
Coat Roof concrete
Make sure the entire surface is not covered with water block. Note also the degree of slope, make sure the tilt leads to the existing water gutter.


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