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The roof is not luxurious and more spacious

Most roofed houses are not concrete, always installing ceiling. The reason for the room is not too hot by the sun sting that grabbed the tile. Ceiling also serves to protect the room from dust and various kinds of soft dirt that enter through the sidelines of the tile.
Now, start many roofs that remove the ceiling. In addition to saving on costs, it will also create more spacious looking rooms and relief. The room also became tall, so not stuffy and hot. Without a ceiling, it means that the roof will be free from raids. Whether the entry from where, suddenly in the ceiling sounded noisy. The rats are already breeding in the ceiling. That bother if there is a dead mouse and rot in the ceiling. So illness.
Instead of the function of warding off dust and fine dirt from the sidelines of the tile, can be installed aluminum foil under roof-tile roof. If overpriced, can be replaced with plywood. Aluminum foil or plywood is mounted above the roof frame. Thus the skeleton will be visible from below. Therefore, before it is installed, the frame must be in a neat state. If you use wood, before it must be exposed or shampooed to be smooth. In addition to shrink, the wood is also painted to taste or polished to contour the grain of the wood visible. To be neat and beautiful to look at. If in many areas of termites, do not forget the wood is replaced by termites first. If you choose a lightweight steel frame, usually silver, there is also a dark brown. Sometimes there is also black.
House without ceiling open space concept
An open house between the kitchen, living room, family room and dining room will make the interior feel spacious. For a house that has no ceiling, the ceiling must have felt higher so the room feels cramped. This unlit concept should be applied.
House without a classic-style ceiling with stained glass
Want minimalist style, classical, and industrial hits, stained glass is always suitable for all designs. Especially in a modern minimalist-style house, stained glass will eliminate the saturation of the monotonous plain nuances.
House without palfon with high windows and doors
Because the ceiling so one with the roof, the room feels taller and more roomy. You can make the windows and doors of the house higher, like the house or building of the ancient in Europe is very charismatic.
House without a modern classical interior ceiling
A house that has no ceiling is perfect to be made with a modern classic interior. Does not look too old-fashioned, but also keeps it nice and warm.
A house without a loft above the ceiling is very unique and interesting. However, there are still things to note before choosing a vaulted ceiling, the ceiling without a ceiling. To get the best home design, contact the trusted architect and consult what your dream house looks like.