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6 Solutions Overcome Roof Home Problems

To anticipate a variety of problems that generally occur in the rainy season, you need to check or even repair at certain points in the building, such as roof structure. The reason, starting from a trivial problem such as sagging roof or leaky roof can require you to make major repairs or even replace the entire roof structure. Before that happens, consider the various problems that often occur in the roof structure and how to overcome them.
The roof is too gentle
Roof slope factor becomes an important point that must be considered so that the falling water can be immediately flowed down. Flat or sloping roofs will cause the water to drop slowly and eventually lead to pools in the concrete and seeps. The solution is to increase the slope of the roof.
The tile is sagging
Generally clay tiles are designed for angles between 27.5 degrees to 40 degrees. If the angle does not fit, it will be the waterway to enter. Meanwhile, the gaps are intentionally made to anticipate the expansion of each tile pieces as well as air vents. So we recommend that each piece of tile is nailed to the battens that are just below it so as not to easily sag.
Hair cracks on concrete
Hot and cold weather changes that occur cause the material cover the house becomes worn and changed, not concrete for example. The problem that often arises in this material is the cracked hair that becomes the entrance of water. Consider, therefore, the composition of the concrete mix and the casting process because these are important processes that affect the concrete end result. In addition, use waterproofing on the entire surface of the roof.
Leak roof
Weather changes are also able to make the roof break easily and the cement on the ridge becomes cracked. Therefore, check every once a year at the roof form meetings, each ridge and gutter, and seal with waterproofing.
Cracked ridge
The size of the ridge or jurai is too high will cause a gap for water. Minimize roof connections and apply soft and flexible waterproof soft sheets over the ridge surface.
Hot temperatures in the attic
The heat temperature can be reduced by making crossed ventilation by modifying the vent and making the cavity under the roof. In addition, it can also use insulation materials and installation of turbines.