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Indoor Air Cleaning Plants
tanaman hiasOrnamental plants are generally grown outdoors. But it turns out there are also ornamental plants that can be planted in the room. Not just as a room decorator, some plants in this room was able to clean the air, absorb pollutants and harmful gases such as benzene, xylene, formaldehyde, xylene, nitrogen oxide and various other chemicals that are present in the air. So that indoor air can be clean and healthy for the occupants. This is an ornamental plant that can be an air purifier in the room:
Aloe vera
This flower plant actually works as many medicinal plants such as hair fertilizer and wound healer. Even now developed as a cosmetic tool and can be consumed as a drink or food. But in addition to this predicate, aloe vera plant was able to absorb pollutants and able to neutralize toxins benzene, formali and other harmful gases.
Spyder Plan
Characteristic of this plant has a height of 60 cm commonly used as an ornamental plant. This type of plant can be planted in pots, if placed indoors it can serve as an air purifier in addition to absorbing chemicals such as the type of benzene and foormaldehida and carbon monoxide type. Which usually comes from chemicals in leather, rubber and printing industries. It is advisable for the printing business room should use this plant for room decoration as well as protective hazards from chemicals.
Gerber Daisy
We are more familiar as herbras, plants originating from south africa has special characteristics, colorful flowering and often used as cut flowers with roses, carnations, seruni and tulips. This plant can grow in the pot of a room so it is very effective to remove trichloroethylene. Suitable if placed in the bathroom or laundry room and even the bedroom.
Lidah Mertua
This type of plant is still a family with aloe vera, physical characteristics can still be seen clearly similar. In the function of plant tongue-in-law or snake plant is a poison absorber plant. With a distinctive appearance and easy to recognize. Greatness even though only with 5 leaves only, this plant is able to absorb various types of toxins in a room of 100 square meters.
Betel Ivory
This plant is also called golden photos or devils ivy ie araceae flower species that supposedly come from Australia, Malaysia also Indonesia. This type of plant includes epiphytic and semi-propagating plants and is very good if planted indoors because it functions to be an air purifier and absorbs toxins.


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