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Tips for Proper Roof Roofing
atap rumahIn order for the house looks more charming and classy, ??of course you should not let it look shabby. In addition to the wall of the house, the roof also needs to be decorated with color. How to paint the tile is almost the same as painting the walls. The difference is only in the selection of paint and some equipment used. Consider the following instructions.
What to prepare:
- Special paint tile. Choose which can ward off heat and have weather resistance.
- Waterblock to prevent leakage
- Chlorine or detergent solution to clean the roof
- Coarse brush for cleaning
- Base paint
- 3 Paintbrushes
- Gloves
- Masks
- Body security
- Tub paint
The steps to paint the tile are as follows:
- Clean the tile first from dust, garbage, moss, and other dirt.
- Let the tile dry.
- Dilute tile and basecoat with fluid and composition according to the usage instructions contained in the package
- Apply waterblock to the entire surface, mainly on the leak, adjacent to the gutter, or adjacent to the wall of the house next door. Wait until dry
- Apply base paint evenly to the entire surface of the house tile. Wait until dry
- Apply tile paint evenly to the entire surface of the tile. Wait until dry, then give the second layer.
Tadaa! Now your house is more beautiful. Not difficult right? What about the roof in your house? But if you want to be more efficient and save time, use a Rainbow metal tile as the roof cover of your house. You do not have to waste your time doing roof painting. If your metal tile fades because of age, Rainbow also provides the solution by giving treatment to your roof so that the color back like new.


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