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Leaking Solution at Roof and Wall Meeting
talangThe rainy season has arrived. Have you seen any traces of water running down your wall? This is one sign that there is a leak in the building connection. If there is a leak on the roof and wall meeting, then you can listen to the solution in the following article.
This leak often occurs on the side wall adjacent to the neighboring wall. On the side of the wall is a roof and wall connections that if leaking will result in the flow of water. This leak can be fixed in a simple way. One way is to add a new gutter or layer under the roof cover.
To do so, install gutters under the roof cover overlapping by 10 cm. Attach the gut buck to the wall as tightly as possible. After that, on top of the gutters pour the water-resistant cement mixture with the ratio of cement: sand: water of 1: 2: 3. Coat all surfaces of gutter. Then, after the cement mixture dries, apply a waterproof coating on the cement surface. The waterproof layer used can be a sheet plaster glued to the roof and wall crevices. Above the layer, replace the roof cover.
If you do not want this incident repeatedly do prevention by the way. Waterproof coating periodically once a year. Check and make improvements if it finds a cracked cement surface. This simple way will stop the leaks that occur at the roof and wall meetings. To avoid the same leakage from happening again, you have to do a waterproof coating on a regular basis. You can do it once a year. At the time of periodic coating, check also the cement layer. Notice whether there is a cracked part. This crack can also make the leak happen again. Happy fixing the leak!


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