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New Nuance at Lebaran at Home
LebaranLebaran ahead, you definitely want to show something new and fresh at home is not it? Indeed, Eid al-Fitr is the perfect moment to make a few changes to your minimalist home. Why? Because at that time many relatives and even colleagues who came and gathered at home.
Well, here are some practical ways and tips for you who want to look more different from the usual days of the day. Check out the following reviews
1. Rewrite
The main way to give a new nuance to a minimalist home is to apply different colors than before by painting the walls of the house. Choose bright colors like white, light green, or light yellow for a fresh look. But you are also free to choose the colors that are preferred, as long as in accordance with the concept of a house that carried.
2. Replace Display Furniture
You can also give a new touch to the furniture, such as the sofa by replacing the wrapper seats. This way is relatively cheaper than buying new furniture-furniture for your minimalist home. Also make changes to some other things such as changing pillowcases, home curtains and bed sheets and bed cover. Choose a specific theme for more appropriate home appearance. For example a clean and white theme. The theme can you make a benchmark to decorate a minimalist home.
3. Add Typical Decorations
Lebaran often associated with typical Middle Eastern decor that you can add to the minimalist house ahead of Idul Fitri. Examples such as hanging lamps and patches typical of Morocco, rugs or carpet patterned with dominant red and blue colors, henna candles and handmade creations are diamonds.
4. Lighting
The game of light in a minimalist home can give different nuances and effects on your home in Eid al-Fitr. In the morning, let the natural light from the sun enter through windows and ventilate the house. Therefore, open the curtains of the house width-width, as well as your minimalist home door.
5. Watch the Bathroom
The bathroom in a minimalist house should not escape your attention. Therefore, the place will be widely used by families and guests who come to the house. Give new touches by adding fresh towels or flowers in the corner of the room. Oh yes, put fresh flowers you can also do in various places in the house for a fresh look.
Thus tips from us ahead of Eid, and on this occasion Rainbow wish Good Day Eid al-Fitr, apologize born and inner and warm regards for your beloved family.


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