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Home Roof Model Models and Ceiling Shapes

Today there are many models of roofs that people have built for comfortable and pleasant dwellings. The development of the science of architecture is very rapid also has given birth to various forms of the roof of the house that is adapted to the development of the times and needs of the people who will inhabit it.
You may have heard or heard about the shape of the roof of joglo, limasan, the form of a gadang house, and so forth. The design and shape of the roof of such houses is very distinctive and each has a different philosophy and function. If you trace the various forms of the roof of the house, then you will find a lot of lists.
In addition a home design can be seen from the shape of the roof. Indeed there are various basic forms of the roof of the house that became a factor for an architect in planning and making a design house. There is a saddle roof, roof shield, or other home roof model each of course has different functions and properties.
Try to compare some models of the roof of the building that ever made man to just catch the main meaning. Joglo house form has four symmetrical sides, compare with the shape of the roof of the Pyramid in Egypt, or the roof of the Jogja Back Monument is a tumpeng in Yogyakarta. All the roofs of this building have a center of gravity in the towering top while the side is balanced, either with a square or circle shape.
In addition to containing deep philosophy as a form of 'submission' and 'obedience' to God above, this kind of roof design is also useful to improve the strength and robustness of the building, and also very effective in making the atmosphere in the building becomes more comfortable.
Consider a Home Roof Model
Along with the development needs of the increasingly modern society, the selection of the roof form of the house is also done by considering various other factors. Well, here are some things you should consider in choosing a home model roof design for a comfortable dwelling.
1. Choose the roof of the house according to your needs and expectations because the roof of the house is the crown of the building that determines the facade of the building.
2. Adjust the shape of the roof with the material or material you will use. There are many roofing materials to choose from, such as ceramic tile, concrete roof tile, concrete roof, asbestos, zinc, and metal roof. Consult your architect to find a roof shape to your liking.
3. Choosing the shape or model of the roof of the house should also be tailored to your financial ability. In addition to the type of material that will be selected, the shape of the roof also determines the amount of material that must be prepared.
4. Also consider the maintenance factor in the future. Should avoid choosing a roof that would make you inconvenient when it comes to replacing broken or damaged tiles that cause leakage when it rains. Choose a roof like a metal roof tile to minimize the problem of leakage on the roof of your house.
5. When choosing the shape of the roof of the house, adjust also with the existing ceiling form want. Good shape of the ceiling will be able to make the air circulation in the house to be smooth so as to create a more comfortable home atmosphere. There are many types of ceilings that can also be selected, such as gypsum or plywood.
6. In choosing the roof shape and ceiling of the house, you should avoid the formation of the room under the roof that would invite rats to come and lodge in it. You certainly often hear the number of homes that are often disturbed by the mice that are nesting on the roof of the house due to wrong in choosing a roof shape of the house.
That's information about the variety of designs and models of the roof of the house that each has its philosophy, function, and benefits to make home occupancy becomes more comfortable and enjoyable.