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Measuring the Distance of Light Steel Kuda Kuda
kuda kudaHorses Horse roof or horses is a rod framework that serves to support the roof load as well as its own weight and simultaneously provide a form on the roof. Here are some key functions on horses or truss:
- Ribs or supporting horses as a pressure-structuring agent
- Ander or middle pole is useful as a supporter of ridge or molo
- As a horse pull horse pull on the base beam
After understanding the three functions above it is time to learn how to install and measure in accordance with the standardization of the correct science of building. The technical discussed this time is more focused on the installation of lightweight steel roof truss, here are some suggestions to consider before mounting a kuda kuda.
- Truss (kuda kuda) should be equipped anchor on both pedestal mounted with a strong and stable
- Kuda kuda lead to the ringbalk in an upright position
- The installation of the above nok and apex should be the same
- Avoid Deformation or deformation due to technical errors of the work
- Check the steel protective layer should not be damaged
- The side of the sloping roof should be flat should not wavy
7 Step Kuda Kuda Installation Process
- Alignment of ring beams must be balanced
- Web assembly
- Web installation on the beam ring (elbows and dynabolt mounting)
- Web installation followed by batten
- Installation of tile mounted by stacked from left to right, the position of tile - right above the left tile
- Cutting the roof tiles is done above
- Installation of gutter, nok and lisplank
How to measure proportional and targeted mild steel spacing? Most people assume the closer the kuda kuda will be more secure and stable, this assumption is true but less precise and disproportionate because it will cost more or wasteful.
Proper planning always leads to safe and cost-effective construction. The standard distance of the horses is uncertain but must be adjusted to the size of the house, the thickness of the light steel and the type of tile that will be used but the general standard for small house size is 1.2-1.5 meters can also 2-3 meters if using gording as The roof.
One of the advantages of steel roof truss applications is that although the distance used is too tight but the load itself is quite light. Along with the current technological developments have been found an application or software that can specifically help the needs in calculating the needs of mild steel such as structural geometry, load combinations and so forth.
Here are some ways to adjust the distance proportionately for mounting kuda kuda and other roofs.
- Setting the dimension of batten or batten term distance should not be too tight or tenuous because it will affect the horse the greater the dimension then it will enlarge the distance of horse horses. Basically the reng is useful to hold the load of the batten itself, the roof cover, the wind load and the burden of the worker during the construction process. The real load calculation is 1.6 live load and 1.2 for dead load. The distance deflection ranges between 1/300 L = distance interval kuda kuda where the kuda kuda rely on
- The distance of the kuda kuda is 25 m
Well, that's some advice and how to measure the distance of the roof and light steel kuda kuda there is no special provision but must first consider several factors such as land area, building area and application of roof covering to be used. Good luck!


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