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The Most Effective Way to Eliminate Stress, No Nee
Look for fresh airSpare time though sometimes very difficult to find especially for people who are very busy. But it also should not be missed. Sometimes too much free time makes us bored and confused what to do. Humans are sometimes weird when busy really want a holiday, when holiday is eager to busy. Everyone of course also experienced stress. Whether it's a matter of work, romance or family. If the stress is allowed to drag on, no doubt can make physical and psychological health decline and lead to depression. Going to a spa or recreation can be a way to relieve stress. But there are other ways that are cheaper and easier. You do not even need to spend money. It's the best way to get rid of stress:
1. Find the Fresh Air
Come out in the morning to get some fresh air. Research suggests that the production of vitamin D in the body that is triggered by morning sun exposure can increase the hormone happy serotonin. Enjoying the sights, the sounds and aromas of the morning around will also distract your mind from worries. Can not get out of the house because of living in a busy urban and stuck? Put some plants in your house or apartment. Studies conducted Washington State University found, put a plant near the work table will lower blood pressure, which means that stress is reduced.
2. Do a Fun Routine
Every day, there must be one routine that we like. Whether it's a warm bath before going to bed, listening to your favorite music on the way to work, watching a drama series or taking pet dogs for a walk in the morning. When stressed, do a fun routine for you because it can make the heart and mind more calm.
3. Make Hands / Feet Busy
If the brain can not stop thinking about negative things, it's because stress likes to make your mind a mess. To overcome this, switch your brain from negative thoughts by doing physical activity involving the hands, feet or other body parts. For example drawing, knitting or rock climbing. As your body starts engrossed in repetitive movements, signals are sent to the brain to become more instantly relaxed.
4. Imagine a Quiet Place
Imagine a place that might make you calm. For example a beach with a view of the blue sea, mountains or flower colored garden. Then close your eyes, focus on breathing and imagine you are in that place. Do it for a few minutes every day.
5. Bath
Water has a calming effect on the body and mind because it recalls the sensation of being comfortable in the mother's womb. Bathing in the bath tub is more effective at relieving stress, but bathing under the shower also has the effect of relieving stress. Fill your bath tub with warm water, pour a few drops of aromatherapy oil or light a scented candle. Choose a lavender or jasmine fragrance as a nutritious soothing and reduce stress.
6. Express the Gratitude
A number of studies have revealed the positive effects of expressing gratitude. When researching brain activity, researchers at the National Institutes of Health found that participants who did not hesitate to show a sense of gratitude and thanks, the level of activity in the hypothalamus is higher. The hypothalamus is part of the brain that plays a major role in influencing stress levels. Gratitude also activates dopamine hormone in charge of sending pleasure to the brain. How to express gratitude? It could be by writing down positive things you experience in small notebooks, journals, or thank friends and family for being there for you.
7. Sports
Fitness, exercise or other intense physical activity will increase the production of endorphin hormones that will make your feelings better. This hormone is also tasked to regulate sleep rhythm, reduce symptoms of depression, increase energy and help you stay calm and more focused when faced with stress. Choose the type of sport you like and look for a slightly quiet schedule of work routines.
After the holidays, immediately move on yes and look forward to your next vacation. Who knows the next vacation will be the best holiday of your life. Come on, share!


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