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How To Clean Mushrooms On House Roof
jamur atapUse a guardian (dehumidifer)
Mushrooms love the humid and warm conditions. Guards remove moisture from the air, reducing the ability of the fungus to grow and develop.
Make a mushroom cleaning solution
There are several options for making a mushroom cleaning solution. The most common solution is a mixture of 2 tablespoons borax, 62.5 ml vinegar, and 500 ml of hot water that will kill the fungus, refresh the air, and reduce the chances of the mushroom growing again.
Wear safety glasses and a mask or a respirator
These objects will protect the eyes if there is a droplet of cleaning substance that falls off the ceiling when you clean it. Because some fungal cleansers are a little hard, protecting the eyes is important. In addition, dead fungus spores spread easily in the air, so it is important to wear a mask or respirator during the cleaning process to prevent the inhaling of these unhealthy spores.
Spray the cleaning solution on the mushrooms seen on the ceiling of the house
Insert the cleaning solution into the spray bottle and spray directly on the ceiling fungus. Be careful, do not spray too much so it does not hit you.
Rub the fungus using the rough side of the cleaning sponge
Rub forward and backwards to remove the fungus. Take a break if necessary, especially if the area is moldy area. You may also need to go down and move the bench to reach all parts of the growth of the fungus.
Spray the solution again
After clearing the visible mushrooms, spray the ceiling once more to coat it with a fungal exterminator solution. This will reduce the chance of the fungus reappearing after a few days.
Allow the ceiling to dry
If there is a fan, turn it on. In addition, if the weather is hot, open the window and let the wind in. This will help drain the ceiling and remove the spores.
Make up the ceiling
If the ceiling is faded or you are planning to repaint the ceiling, then you should sandpaper it. Paste moldy parts to remove any traces left and provide a good foundation for the new paint.
Repaint the ceiling using a specially formulated paint
Paint the ceiling with waterproof paint. Waterproof paint will prevent mold from growing again, especially if condensation is the cause of the fungus. Ask for a paint brand that suits your needs while in a hardware store and follow the instructions for use.
Fuss is not if you have to do all the steps above so that the roof of the house free of fungus. Want to know how easy it is? Use Rainbow metal tile as the roof cover of your house. Why use a Rainbow metal tile? Because Rainbow metal tile coated base coat containing algazide substance that serves to resist the development of fungi, so you do not need tired to clean the fungus on the roof of the house. Still doubt the superiority of Rainbow metal tile, can you prove yourself!
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