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Light Steel Kuda-kuda Roof Framework
light steelThis time we will discuss about lightweight steel, currently the roof of light steel horses are very popular, both for small-scale house royek and office projects or buildings rather large. The popularity of lightweight steel because of this material does have many advantages such as light weight, anti-termite, and fast installation. For a matter of price is also competitive, when compared with clear wood baja ringan superior view of the advantages it has.
Light Steel Profile for Roof Residential Frame
Kanal C profile, is a profile used for the main frame of light steel horses, its function is almost the same as a rafters on a wooden roof truss. Common thicknesses that are widely available on the market are ranging from 0.65mm to 0.75mm and 1mm. Which is widely used for roof truss of light steel kuda-kuda home dwelling is 0.75mm thickness.
Batten profile, sometimes called profile B, but the people on the field used to call it a lightweight steel batten. This lightweight steel battling function is the same as a batten on a wooden frame. Namely for a place of tile or roof cover. Reng also serves to tie light steel horses.
Kanal Z profile, its function is almost the same as Kanal C, but the shape is different. The shape is like the letter Z. Profile Z is not common, rarely encountered or sold freely in building stores, only a few lightweight steel companies that produce specifically and use it.
Roof Models / Light Steel Kuda-kuda
Models of lightweight steel kuda-kuda are in accordance / follow the shape of the roof of the house. Common models are saddle, limasan, and sloping roof. Models of light steel kuda-kuda also have a different slope. Depending on the type of roof coverings, for roof tiles should be at least 30 degrees slope. As for the roof slabs such as galvalum slope can be more free (can be more sloping) depending on the design house and taste of homeowners.
How to Connect Light Steel
To connect a mild steel is quite easy that is by using a roofing bolt. Roofing bolts include self drilling screw, to use it enough with an electric drill. Lightweight steel joints include kanal C with kanal C, kanal C with batten. For the connection between lightweight steel with the building structure using dynabolt, which is attached to the beam ring.
Light Steel Connect Details
The following is an example of a connection between a kanal C, a batten, a bracket, and a beam ring. For inter-channel connections C should use 3 bolts for strong. While the connection between the batten and kanal C using 2 bolts on the right side of the left batten. The connection between the bracket and the ring beam using dynabolt.
Distance of Light Steel Kuda-kuda
What is the correct distance of light steel horses? It all depends on the weight of the roof cover. The heavier the roof cover the distance the light steel horses get closer. Roughly the distance of light steel horses is usually between 100cm to 120cm. To know the exact distance of the kuda-kuda must definitely be calculated with special lightweight steel software. If you use lightweight steel services usually applicators have calculated how much distance with the software. So lightweight steel roof truss is safe.
A few articles about light steel horses this time, may be useful for you. To find out info about mild steel please contact Rainbow at 021-5565 8080 or wa 0813 8080 8089


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