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Signs Immediate Renovated Home

The house is a palace for the residents. That's why, each house is generally made as comfortable as possible to live. However seapik whatever our occupancy, over time, a time will come to be renovated in order to get back beautiful and functioning properly.
This is just often ignored by residents. Some of the signs is not considered essential, until the occupants have to pay more for increasingly severe damage to homes. Then, what is actually a marker of home renovation should be done?
Leak roof
Quite reasonable when the roof of a failure in carrying out its duties because of the role of the roof should face alternately hot and rainy in the long term. If the roof is leaking allowed to stand in a long time, it will be bad for you and your family. So, what should you do to avoid this disaster? We recommend that you should soon renovate the roof has leaked. You can replace it with the use of metal roof to avoid leaking and resistant to all weather. Find a suitable metal roof for your house in
Floor distend
Have you ever stepped on the floor bulging? The condition of the floor like it would be a great danger, if you stepped on it constantly barefoot. Floor distend generally occurs because the installation is less precise and extreme weather events.
Ceiling collapse
Have experienced anything like when you're asleep, suddenly awoken by the sound of falling blaring from the ceiling of the house? The voice was none other comes not from the cat who fell while walking on the ceiling. Before this happens, you should stop by making the ceiling of the house to be ideal with a size between 2.8 to 3.2 meters and with a metal ceiling materials are made from mild steel. Avoid wood ceiling, because it is very fragile and at great risk! Or you can use the Rainbow Ceiling PVC with new innovations are a lot of advantages. These products can be found
Cracked wall
Irregular cracks in the walls will certainly make your home look beautiful. The main cause of cracked walls, the elements forming the stucco material is not stirred average, as the sand is not clean and still contain the soil. Immediately remodeling your house, before the walls were cracked crumbling and threatening the safety of your family!
Termites gnawed
Termites are the greatest enemy of the homeowners. According to research, the termites may result in losses of up to a total of Rp 2.67 trillion, with an average percentage of attacks on buildings reached more than 70%. Approximately 90% of the buildings in Jakarta is prone to collapse due eaten up by termites. The building collapsed, would be the greatest risk and do not mess around.
Ignoring the danger mark at home will threaten the safety of you and your family. Time to renovate the house with the help of experts. May be useful.
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