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Building Houses in Sloping Land
 house slopesThe house on sloping land are usually not in love, but there are also some people just like building a house on sloping land. There were building a house by way of leveling up the land surface dajulu or keep silent. Actually has a sloping ground surface does not need to be leveled, it is precisely such conditions can we kreasikan into our homes appeal.
Have some advantages in sloping areas are as follows:
- The price of land is cheap in comparison with the ground sloping / flat surface
- The house will look unique
- Reflecting the youthful and high artistic taste of the owner
- The value of home sales will soar, if we manage to create a slick home by utilizing the contours of the land
Then how to build a house on land sloping well. Things to note are as follows:
1. Choose a Safe Location
Before choosing the location, there are a few things to know. First, choose the location of the land is stable tilt angle of no more than 350. Not recommended to build location slope is more than that, because the costs are high enough to adjust the structure of the house. Choose the location of the land is still a lot of trees. Because these trees serve as strengthening the stability of the soil. As well as increasing water infiltration.
2. Adjusted Slope
After deciding the location, next is the plan of the building, in terms of construction or in terms of the building. Could make a plaster reinforcement soil structure so that landslides can be reduced. In addition to plaster, building drainage conditions waterways and infiltration must be considered. And also need to plan the supporting element, for example planning a garden element. Making a garden cultivated maintain the trees are still planted before building. This element is expected to have positive impact on the power structure of the house. As mentioned above, the trees could help prevent soil erosion, especially plants with good roots for detention prop roots.
3. Avoid declining land behind the house
If you decide to build a house in hilly areas can not be separated from the sloping land. However, choose cultivated land with the front lower than the rear, so the construction of houses is becoming stronger. So what if the available land contours of the land, leaving only the front part of the higher course? For that here are some solutions to deal with the condition of soil in sloping land.
- Create a foundation of high back and level the ground or elevate the rear land portion
- The foundation is intended as a high rear retaining high urugan to equate with the front. This method can only be done on land that has a height difference of no more than 2 meters, if more than that is impossible to do. Kalupun urugan necessary make up the back higher than the front, so that a more robust construction.
4. Keep the neighborhood
Building houses on slopes does require diverse variety in the construction design of the house, but the preservation of the environment you are still required to prioritize. You certainly do not want if the sloping land use as a home location to trigger major disasters, such as landslides. The buildings are made carelessly without regard to the environment can also result in the contaminated soil and ground water resulting become unfit for consumption. So, keep your eyes rumh environment when building a house on slopes.
The shape of the house that you built on sloping land free will as you wish. You can consult the experts, because building a house with land sloping surfaces need special planning and calculation. So little penjalasan from us about how to build a house on sloping ground. May be useful!


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