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Eco-Friendly Rooftops, Beautiful and Useful Design
Are you planning to build a house or renovate it? If so, you can start thinking about an eco-friendly roof as an alternative to your roof.
Although there are not many in Indonesia, this type of roof actually has many benefits. Here are the things you get if you use an eco-friendly roof.
More Beautiful
An eco-friendly roof is also known as a green roof. It is called so because this roof is designed to be planted with grass, even gardens and vegetable gardens. With a well-maintained green roof, your house will look like it comes from a fairy tale.
The green color combined with flowers hanging from the roof will certainly make your house look beautiful and pretty. A house with this kind of architecture is also believed to be able to improve your mood to be better, and reduce stress.
Reduce Heat Inside the House
Your roof plays a role in the temperature of your house. Usually, the higher the distance between the floor and your house, the cooler the conditions inside the house. Or, most of you may choose to use air conditioning. With an eco-friendly roof, you don't need to bother doing those two things. A good roof has the property of reflecting back the light and heat it receives, so that the air temperature in the house remains low and not hot. An environmentally friendly roof has these two qualities. So, by using a green roof, the air in your house will feel fresher and cooler. You can also reduce the cost of using air conditioning and heating.
Helping to Preserve Nature
The important thing about using an environmentally friendly roof is that this type of roof can help preserve nature. First, a green roof can be a new habitat for various birds and insects. As long as they are not pests, the birds and insects will add to the beauty of the house. Then, an environmentally friendly roof can be a way to reduce flooding. This is because this roof can absorb rainwater, so that the volume of water that needs to be accommodated by drainage on the road can be reduced. If a housing complex uses a green roof, maybe the flood problem can be solved. You have actually helped preserve nature by reducing the use of electric air conditioning and heating.
Reducing Pollution
Both water and air pollution can be reduced by using an environmentally friendly roof. Rainwater that falls on a green roof will be filtered well, then becomes groundwater that is free from pollution, such as nicotine and acidic substances.
For air, a green roof full of grass will certainly reduce the carbon dioxide levels around your home environment. Thanks to this roof, your risk of suffering from respiratory diseases can also be reduced. Moreover, if you not only plant grass on the roof, but also plants that are known to help clean water and air from pollution.
More Durable
One important aspect that a roof needs to have is its quality. With good and regular maintenance, an environmentally friendly roof can last a long time and does not need to be replaced periodically. Basically, a green roof is more durable because it has various layers, so it can protect the base of the roof. This type of roof is also stronger in dealing with climate change because it can adapt itself.
You don't need to worry that your roof will change shape, such as expanding and shrinking, due to extreme climate change. What must not be forgotten, you need to adjust the weight of the soil and the type of plants for your roof too. In terms of price, having an environmentally friendly roof does require a higher cost. However, when accumulated with regular roof maintenance, this roof can be a more profitable choice. Moreover, if you pay attention to the benefits provided by this type of roof.
Eco-friendly roofs have actually been around for hundreds of years in Europe, but the technology was only created in the 70s. Currently, skyscrapers are starting to try using soil and grass as their roofs. The more people use eco-friendly roofs, the more the benefits are felt. When will it be your turn?


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