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Not Only Protecting, These Roofs Can Also Keep Hom
The roof does have an important role in the house. It is tasked with protecting the homeowner from the heat of the sun to the pouring rain. Yes, although some homes still experience leaks when the rain is too heavy. Maybe that's what we know about the roof's job so far. But, make no mistake, there are actually some roofs that can protect the host from deadly things. If you don't believe me, let's look at the following review.
Coloring the roof with white nuances
The roof protector that we often see is only maroon or brown. Well, this time it seems like we have to change the color of the roof of the house. Namely with white. Indeed, if we think about it, this color can quickly get dirty if it is exposed to a little dust. But make no mistake, this color is actually able to prevent heat waves. This is proven by a study published in Environment International, that a white roof can lower the temperature by up to 3 degrees Celsius. Because the white color can reflect heat back into space. If this is done by people all over the world, the temperature will definitely not be too cold or hot.
Go green roof that does not cause disease for homeowners
Maybe many people already know that asbestos is dangerous for homeowners because it causes several diseases. This is all because asbestos contains toxic fibers in it. But, you don't need to worry about all of this. Because now there is a new breakthrough to replace asbestos called Go Green Roof. Yes, as the name implies, this roof does not cause any harmful effects at all for homeowners or nature. Because the materials are made from an environmentally friendly lightweight steel formula. In fact, this go green roof also has several advantages such as being rust-proof, there is a layer to reduce ultraviolet rays and the price is also cheaper.
Using insulation on the roof
So that it doesn't get too hot inside the house, we can use a dampening object. This object is known as insulation. It is a prima donna of heat dampening that is commonly used in large buildings. Such as high-rise buildings or factories. However, it doesn't matter if we want to use it at home. You can buy it at a hardware store or online shop with various types. Namely aluminum foil, glasswool and bubble foil. But keep in mind, before installing insulation on the roof, you also have to consider many things. For example, the shape of the roof and the amount of insulation needed.
Those are the roofs and their properties that function to keep the homeowner healthy. Not only does it make the house cool, but it also avoids heat waves that can come at any time. And also prevents homeowners from getting diseases such as asbestosis which is usually caused by asbestos. How, are you interested in trying it?


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