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Currently, the use of lightweight steel roof trusses is becoming widespread. Residential house owners who have passed their 20-year lifespan usually start thinking about replacing the roof frame, which is generally made of wood, with a lightweight steel roof frame. The commonly used light steel roof trusses have a C section profile, in addition to the L and box (hollow) section profiles. This profile aims to increase the ability to withstand compressive forces.
People are starting to abandon wooden roof frames because they are generally susceptible to attack by wood pests, especially termites. Termite attacks have begun to enter a worrying stage. They can attack wooden structures of buildings and homes indiscriminately. Houses large, small, multi-storey or one-story, were still attacked. Before we replace the wooden roof frame with light steel, it would be a good idea to discuss the differences between the two materials.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Wooden Roof Trusses:
- Strong against tensile, compressive forces and bending moments.
- Elastic and flexible. Resistant to load direction which is perpendicular to the direction of the wood grain.
- Prices are relatively cheap.
- Easy to work with and doesn't need to be too precise.
- Does not require special experts.
- Wood material is more flammable.
- Can change shape (curve due to expansion, shrinking or cracking) if exposed to direct weather changes.
- Easily attacked by wood pests. It requires an anti-termite chemical coating process.
- The weight is heavier so it burdens the structure underneath.
- Easily moldy and rot if exposed to humidity, rain and direct heat.
- Rustproof.
- The lifespan is relatively shorter than light steel roof frames.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Light Steel Roof Frames:
- Strong against compressive forces between 650 MPA to 920 MPA.
- Less flexible than wood.
- Prices cannot be said to be cheap.
- Precision work is required, because if not, other structures will be disturbed.
- Requires skilled personnel.
- More difficult to burn and more fire resistant.
- The expansion and contraction values ??are very small so they do not change shape.
- Cannot be attacked by wood pests.
- It is lighter in weight so it does not burden the structure underneath. - Resistant to mold and weathering.
- Not resistant to rust corrosion if the coating substance fails.
- The service life is relatively longer than wooden roof frames.


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