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Be careful, the rainy season is still hitting! Do
Entering the rainy season, one of the problems that usually occurs at home is leaks in the roof. If this happens, it will be a hassle for some people because they have to prepare several 'combat' tools to accommodate water leaks and move the items underneath. Not only that, you also have to prepare a special budget to repair the roof. In conclusion, leaks in the roof should be repaired as quickly as possible, because there will be a lot of losses that we will incur if the leaking roof continues. So, before all these problems get worse, you should find out the tips below about repairing problematic roofs. Let's take a look at Srimaya's method below:
1. Use Water Proofing
Changes in weather every year can certainly cause the roof of our house to leak quickly. For this reason, we must often check our roof and not forget to apply water proofing. Do you know what the function of water proofing is? Simply put, water proofing is useful for patching leaks that occur on the roof of the house so that there are no more problems. Leaking roofs can be patched with water proofing because this paint contains a waterproof liquid so water doesn't seep in.
2. Pay attention to the slope of the roof
House roofs are usually designed to slope so that rainwater can flow downwards smoothly. Therefore, if the roof of your house is slightly sloping and flat, this can cause roof leaks because rainwater slows down and can inundate the concrete. For this reason, pay attention to the slope of the roof, which usually ranges from 30-40 degrees. Not only that, also reduce roof connections because this also has the potential to cause leaks. If during construction this has been carefully arranged, then you can be calmer.
3. Repair sagging roof tiles
Accidentally, the tiles or tin roof of the house could sag due to strong winds. If this is the case, you have to quickly position the roof tiles in the right place. There's no harm in regularly checking the roof of your house so that problems like this can be resolved early, right?
4. Clean the gutters
Dirty gutters, for example from deciduous leaf litter, will hinder the flow of rainwater. If this happens, of course the gutters cannot accommodate and drain the water properly because the channel is blocked. Therefore, before the rainy season arrives, it is a good idea for you to clean up the rubbish on the roof of your house that will disturb you. Don't forget to check and clean the gutters thoroughly and regularly!
5. Replace cracked or destroyed roof tiles
If you often go to the roof of your house, you might accidentally step on the tiles, causing the tiles to crack. Apart from that, it is not impossible for the roof tiles to crack or be destroyed because the quality has been damaged by age. However, sometimes you forget and just leave it like that without replacing it. The trouble is of course when it rains. Suddenly rainwater dripped onto the floor of the house. If something like this happens, immediately replace your roof tiles if damage occurs.


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