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Have an Umbrella Ready Before It Rains: Don't Igno
To anticipate various problems that generally arise during the rainy season, you should check or even make repairs at certain points on the building, including the roof of the house. Before you have to make major repairs or replace the entire roof structure because you underestimated small things, here are solutions for dealing with roof problems that you should look at.
Roof Too Sloping
Contractors agree that the most ideal roof slope is around 25-30 degrees. This range of roof slope numbers applies both to the construction aspect and to the total roof area of the house. If the roof of the house is flat or sloping, it will cause puddles in the concrete and water will seep in. If this happens, the solution is to increase the slope of the roof.
Leak roof
Weather changes can also make roof tiles break easily and cement on ridges crack. Therefore, check the roof top, ridge and gutters once a year, and cover them with waterproofing. If you coat it with waterproofing, make sure to carefully read the instructions for use listed on the waterproof product you purchased.
Roof Tiles Slump
Generally, clay roof tiles are designed with an angle of between 27.5 degrees to 40 degrees. If the angle is not right, it will become a way for water to enter. It is best to make the roof angle sloping with an angle wider than 40 degrees. Each piece of roof tile should be nailed to the batten directly beneath it so that it does not slide easily. This roof tile sagging event is easy to detect & how to fix it is also not difficult. You just have to put it back in its original position. However, if the sagging tile is in the middle or top, of course you have to be careful, especially when climbing. Don't let your feet step on the roof battens because this can damage the structure.
Cracked Ridge
Cracked ridges create openings for rainwater to enter. Changes in weather can cause the roof material of a house to wear out, causing cracks in the concrete roof. You can overcome this by minimizing roof connections such as the use of ridges and beams. The size of the ridge or jurai should not be too high because it will create gaps that invite water. Alternatively, you can apply a special sheet that is waterproof, soft and flexible on the surface of the ridge.
Hot Temperature In The Attic
The attic is susceptible to heat during the day. However, this can be reduced by creating crossed ventilation by modifying the vents and creating cavities under the roof tiles. You can also use insulation materials and install the turbine.


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