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House Leaking Again and Again?
When the rainy season arrives, the problem that most often occurs in residential homes is leaking roofs. The repairman had it repaired, it didn't last long, it leaked again, another repairman did the repair and it didn't leak again for long. It has been repaired many times, a lot of budget was spent, the results were in vain and it turns out the source of the leak has not been resolved.
A leaking roof will certainly disrupt the activities of the occupants of the house, giving the impression of being uncomfortable and also dangerous. Unfortunately, over a long period of time, water can damage home materials such as wood and cause rust on metal materials, not to mention if the water comes into contact with electrical installations.
Placing containers or buckets to collect water that falls from the roof is only temporary, not to solve the problem, only to reduce the risk of leaks. So, how do you deal with a leaking roof so it doesn't leak again? Identify the actual leaking problem. By knowing the cause, the solution to overcome the leak will also be appropriate.
Sources of leaks can arise from the following: - Roofs affected by sand deposits. Cracks in roof tiles or other roof coverings - Garbage or dirt on the roof gutter. The position of the roof tiles has shifted or fallen off - The gaps between tiles or roof coverings are too wide. Roof gutter drainage connection - Changes in roof construction conditions due to age and climate
Here's how to deal with roof leaks:
1. Patch the leak with a mixture of cement and sand If the source of the leak is between the wall and the roof tiles, or where the roof tiles meet and the wall is thick, or at the roof top. The way to deal with a leaking roof is to patch it with a mixture of cement and sand. Following
- Prepare tools and materials in the form of a cement spoon and bucket. Mix the ingredients: sand and cement, then add enough water, try not to make it too runny so that the cement and sand mixture dries quickly.
- Get on the roof and patch it using a mixture of cement and sand until it is even, let it dry, try to expose it to sunlight so it dries quickly
- If it rains before the patch is dry, cover the patch using a tarpaulin or thick plastic to prevent rainwater from damaging the patch
2. Provide roof protection with leak-proof coating paint
If the source of the leak is caused by roof wall seepage, it often occurs on concrete roofs, but does not rule out the possibility on tile roofs. The way to overcome this leak is to coat the roof using leak-proof coating paint. There are many brands and colors of leak-proof paint to choose from, choose according to your needs. Paint according to the instructions on the packaging. Do this several times to get the paint layer thickness that is strong enough and doesn't leak anymore.
3. Replace old or damaged roof tiles with new roof tiles If the leak is caused by damaged tiles, replace the old or damaged tiles with new tiles so that the roof condition returns to its original condition.
Here are the steps:
- Check the number of damaged roof tiles. Buy tiles of the same size, try to match the old tiles on your roof. Exaggerate the number of roof tiles you buy with damaged roof tiles just in case
- Replace old tiles with new tiles. Do this carefully and neatly so that there are no gaps in the layout of your roof tiles
4. Carry out roof demolition (roof renovation)
If the methods above have not been able to solve the problem of leaks on the roof of your house, perhaps you need to renovate the roof. This needs to be done if the roof needs to be dismantled again. Plan well, because this activity requires large costs and takes a long time to implement. Dismantle the roof when the weather is friendly, don't let it rain when the roof is being dismantled. Entrust the work to skilled and trusted craftsmen so that the results are as expected.
So, those are the ways you can stop leaks on the roof of your house. Now you don't need to worry or be confused about repairing roof damage that can cause leaks, again and again. Hope it is useful.


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