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Must Know When Changing Wooden Frames Into Mild St
Complete disassembly is a quick solution when the entire roof frame has been damaged. Conditions that endanger the family force you to replace the entire frame with a new one. One of them is by using a mild steel frame. But to replace the old wooden frame with mild steel, is not as easy as it seems.
There are several notes that you should pay attention to.
1. Differences in the height of the new frame due to differences in roof components. "The wooden frame consists of rafters, gording, rafters, and battens, while mild steel does not use gording and rafters. The lath directly rests on the rafters, so the position of the new lightweight steel is lower.
2. A change in the height of the roof can cause the roof to drop. If the house is renovated the walls must be raised at least 18cm.
3. When the walls are not raised, the roof will drop. As a result, the sills or vents are closed, the air circulation will be shorter and make it stuffy. You can do elevation by adding masonry plus new tie beams.
4. Sometimes exaltation practitioners consider it difficult and require special techniques. There is an additional fee too. So they often trick it by using a cutting system to make it quicker and easier even though it's dangerous. (The cuttings system is the addition of support in the form of mild steel to distribute the roof load to the ring beams. Its function is to replace the position of the walls and ring beams which should be raised)
5. Cutting is dangerous because the load is on the supporting rod, not directly on the beam ring. The risk is great when the support rods support the weight and movement of the roof. If not strong, the roof can collapse.
After the wall elevation is complete, the light steel frame installation process is ready to be carried out. This installation process is not much different from installing a new roof. Starting from a site survey by technicians, calculations, frame delivery to installation. So, do you want to replace the old wooden frame with mild steel?