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Three Main Problems of Roofs
Indonesia as a tropical country recognizes two seasons, namely hot and rainy. Practically it makes homeowners pay special attention to the house they live in. In addition to staying comfortable, a house that is well cared for can keep the value of the house intact. In the summer months, homes can suffer damage such as cracks and paint can become dull if not properly cared for. Likewise during the rainy season, especially if the roof of the house is leaking. Of course, this condition will be troublesome for the residents of the house.
For some groups, conditions of high rainfall can provide positive benefits for life. However, for some other groups, this condition often becomes an obstacle. People are required to always be vigilant because the bad consequences of extreme weather like this time will always be lurking. In fact, it can hinder daily activities, especially when doing outdoor activities. High rainfall can trigger various problems such as flooding and damage to houses. Some things that are often encountered at home are the problem of leaky roofs, damp walls, electrical short circuit, and several other risks that can endanger the occupants of the house.
Check the Gutter
One of the important tips for caring for your home when it rains is to check the gutters. The page states that if the house has trees, the fallen leaves can cover the gutters, or the accumulated dust can create sedimentation, so cleaning the gutters of the house is quite important against the danger of leaks.
Check Breakage or Relationships
The cement plaster in this section often causes leaks, so it needs to be checked regularly. If there are cracks, tape them again and waterproofing them.
House wall
The part of the wall of the house that is directly exposed to rainwater also needs attention. To treat such walls, among others, with a layer of paint that is weather coat, if it is with an ordinary layer of paint, it will be prone to moisture, and peeling off. Meanwhile, the outer walls that are cracked must be broken in first, then plastered and waterproofed.


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