One of the problems that we always face every rainy season is a leaky roof. Of course this is very disturbing because in addition to disturbing comfort can also damage other home furniture. Well, so that it does not leak again, you can do the following tricks:
USE ANTI-LEAKING COATERSCoating the roof with a leak-proof coating becomes a powerful solution that you can do. Its elasticity and strong adhesiveness can cover cracks on the roof and stop water seepage. Leakproof coating consists of several forms, some in the form of liquid, paste, powder, to sheets (sheet). The most popular is the liquid and paste form because it is more practical in application. You only need to brush it with a brush on the desired area.
REPLACE TILES THAT ARE FRAGILEWhen there is a leak on the roof you should immediately check the precarious condition of the house. There may be cracked or broken tiles causing leaks. Improper installation of roof tiles also makes it easy to shift or sag when exposed to strong winds. Better to fix it immediately and replace it with new tile before the rain comes again.
IMPROVE PIPES AND TALANG WATERIf you do not find a sag or cracked roof, you can immediately check the condition of the gutters and water pipes. If there is a leak, fix it before it gets worse. First investigate the cause of damage to the gutters. There are many causes of gutters that leak, ranging from loose connections, weakened glue adhesion, or cracks. If the damage is too severe, you should immediately replace it with a new pipe or gutter.
KEEP CLEAN ROOFThe roof must also be regularly cleaned, you know. Usually a lot of dry leaf garbage gets stuck on the roof. This accumulated rubbish can clog the flow of water on the gutter, so the water cannot flow completely and will cause leakage.
IMPROVE THE RIGHT ROOF SLOPESThis one method does consume more energy and costs, because they have to overhaul the roof circuit. One of the causes of roof leakage is the slope of the roof which is too gentle. If you have this, then you should remodel the roof to have an ideal slope, which is 30-35 degrees for the tiled roof.